a therapy group for latine adults to better understand how you feel and feel more connected in your relationships

Los Angeles Group Therapy: chillona is chingona
for latinas ready to go from selfless, anxious, and disconnected from your emotions to feeling deeply, valuing your vulnerability, and confidently asking for what you need
Chillona is Chingona is open to adults of marginalized genders including women, trans women, and non-binary and gender non-conforming folks who are comfortable in a space that centers the experiences of Latinas.
Do you struggle to have a safe space to feel your emociones or find yourself feeling ashamed when you have had moments of grandes sentimientos? Do you often feel misunderstood or disconnected in your relationships? Do you feel torn between Latine culture and American culture?
Coming from a collectivist culture, many Latinas experience difficulty connecting with their sentimientos or have previously felt judged or unsafe when doing so. We have often been taught to disconnect from our feelings and needs within our family and relationships, in order to put the needs of family and others first. This leads to a variety of additional challenges like an inability to label or express feelings, difficulty knowing ourselves deeply and authentically,a felt lack of community and meaningful relationships, feeling anxious and stifled by rigid cultural values, and struggling with our own identity as Latina. On top of this, we grapple with experiences of daily oppression and racism which leads to inherited, inter-generational trauma and overwhelms our bodies and nervous systems.
Emotional health and mental health can be very stigmatized in Latine culture, which values machismo and marianismo, and has taught us that taking care of ourselves first is selfish. We talk about ataques de nervios because this is more acceptable than admitting to having feelings of anxiety, depression, grief, hurt, and trauma—after all, no one wants to be seen as weak or the subject of chisme, especially when it will reflect on our family!
Is any of this sounding familiar yet?!
If you have been wanting to get to know yourself better and feel safe to explore your feelings and relationship needs, the Chillona is Chingona Group is a space to start doing so with the help of other Latinas who really understand.
feel seen & heard.
IT’S TIME TO make some space to feel more. feel big, feel deeply, feel vulnerable, feel supported, feel latina, feel you.
OUR Chillona is Chingona Group is the most effective way to take you from emotionally disconnected & stressed to:
Have a space to center your own feelings to get to take up more space with YOUR experience
Feel, label, and communicate your feelings directly to your loved ones to feel empowered to get your needs met in relationships
Understand and practice showing up within community with more vulnerability and authenticity
Explore your embodied emotions and nervous system response and understand how somatic feelings inform the way you build and maintain connections with others
Build coping strategies that are aligned with your values to help you manage anxiety, overwhelm, and depression to feel more confident and joyful in your life
Find freedom from internalized cultural beliefs and expectations while also building insight into the ways that inherited cultural expectations has created obstacles to your personal growth and satisfaction
Have increased self-trust by understanding how you feel and feel more confident in who you are
Build a meaningful community and resources to better support you and feel less alone in your experience
Start to heal from racial trauma and intergenerational trauma
Explore the intersections of being Latina with other areas of your identity to feel more whole and be the most authentic version of YOU!
Learn to advocate for yourself and start to get the support that you’ve been needing from your friends, family, & other intimate relationships
Find connection and support from others who not only get it, but are going through it alongside you!
the deets
Starting April 2nd, the Chillona is Chingona Group will meet every other Tuesday from 6-7:30pm with Licensed Therapist, Dani Marrufo LMFT, as the group’s facilitator. Dani possesses extensive group facilitation experience and has been running groups for many years at Cancer Support Community SGV. Dani is passionate about supporting fellow Latine folks to make room for their emotions and challenge some of the internalized Latin cultural narratives that can feel like obstacles to connecting more deeply with yourself.
This group meets in-person in our office in Highland Park, Los Angeles.
The Chillona is Chingona Group is an investment of $190 per month, which includes all every other week sessions, and ensures that your spot is reserved in the group. A reduced-fee rate of $115 per month is available with documented financial need. If you are seeking a reduced fee spot, there are a limited number available, so book your info session now!
I’m Dani. I look forward to helping you care for your emotional self better.
what can i expect from group therapy?
Did you know that research shows that group therapy can be equally as effective as individual therapy? Similarly, there is evidence that for those with marginalized identities, having a group of exclusively individuals who share this identity is more effective than mixed membership groups (Brown & Mistry,) which is why Chillona is Chingona is exclusively for Latine-identified folks.
What is Group Therapy?
Group therapy is when a small number of people meet together under the guidance of a therapist to help one another. It provides a place where you come together with others to share problems or concerns, to better understand your own situation, and to learn from each other. Group therapy can help you improve your interpersonal relationships. It addresses feelings of isolation, aloneness, depression and/or anxiety, and helps you to make significant changes to improve the quality of your life. The insights gained in weekly group therapy can support you to have more satisfying relationships, be more comfortable with yourself, with your feelings, with others, and in the other groups in which you participate every day.
Who Can Benefit from Group Therapy?
Like individual therapy, group therapy can benefit almost anyone. Members have the opportunity to discover how they think, why they react the way they do, and understand how they are perceived by others in the group. Members talk about what goes on in their lives outside the group, but also highlight what happens between members in the present moment, providing valuable feedback and learning by witnessing and resonating with each other. Our hope is that group members find healing and an increased ability to make conscious choices that impact how they feel in the moment. This supports members to learn about themselves and take interpersonal risks in the service of living their lives more authentically, more honestly, and more fully emotionally engaged.
We’re here to help you decide if this group will be the right fit for you. Use the link below to book your free discovery call and secure your spot in the group.
book a free discovery call to get started now
Schedule a time using the calendar on this page to speak with our Care Coordinator who will get to know you a little better and learn about what’s bringing you to Chillona is Chingona now. They’ll share more about the group to help you make sure this will be the best fit for you. Limited spots are available, so book your call now!