Therapy for empaths & highly sensitive people in highland park
in-person therapy for HSps & empaths in los angeles
If you’ve ever been told that you’re “too emotional” or “too sensitive” or “too easily overwhelmed,” you might be experiencing the tenderness of an empath or a highly sensitive person (HSP). Highly sensitive persons make up 15-20% of the general population, and possess a physiological trait that makes them more attuned to others and their environment. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm, overstimulation, or overthinking, especially in situations with lots of people, loud noises, or high demands. Exhausted by big groups? Feel devastated by your friend’s heartache? Find yourself reading into implicit parts of conversations? In the context of our society, highly sensitive people might feel misunderstood or out of place, and their sensitivity may often be overlooked or identified only as a problem that needs fixing. At Kindman & Co., not only do we think there’s nothing wrong with being sensitive, empathic, or in feeling things deeply, but we celebrate it!
challenging characteristics of being an HSP or empath
Feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated
Feeling shame around feedback that you’re too sensitive, overly emotional, or overreact
Overanalyzing or overthinking situations
Feeling alone or misunderstood by others
Being an “emotional sponge;”soaking up the feelings and experiences of others
Experiencing increased anxiety
Being strongly impacted by your environment and struggling with setting boundaries
Struggling with allowing for “negative” feelings towards others like anger, worry, frustration, sadness
often feeling misunderstood
When your nervous system is wired for increased sensitivity, it’s as if the volume’s been turned up to eleven. Whether its emotions, sounds, or smells, a sensitive nervous system can perceive any stimulus as disorienting, overwhelming, or stressful. For sensitive folks and empaths, one struggle is that this experience can be difficult for others on the outside to understand, leaving you feeling misunderstood. (Check out our blog about HSPs and the experience of feeling misunderstood.) This disconnect can lead highly sensitive people to self-critical thoughts (Why am I like this? Why does this bother me? Why do I feel so misunderstood?), over-compensating (No one can know this bothers me,) feelings of shame and self-judgment, or to a complete physiological shutdown or freeze response.
But of course, highly sensitive people and empaths don’t exist in a vacuum! In addition to exploring your internal experiences and building tools to manage overwhelm, our social justice-informed approach to therapy allows us to make connections to the larger picture, and the ways in which sensitivity is undervalued by our society. Though capitalism and productivity culture may clash with sensitivity and emotional intelligence, at Kindman & Co., we think they’re some of our greatest tools.
Through sensing the subtle, processing deeply, and feeling big feelings, we know highly sensitive people and empaths are built for connection, compassion, and understanding—you just have to learn how to soothe that sensitive nervous system and plug into your resilience and strength!
The highly sensitive person has an important mission, which is to serve as a balance…Although you may have been told that you are too sensitive, the truth is that the proliferation of insensitive values has created a world on the brink of disaster, and our only hope for saving the planet is by being sensitive and kind toward all sentient beings.
— Ted Zeff
particular struggles of sensitive personalities
We see a lot of overlap between highly sensitive traits and other facets of our clients’ lives. It’s common for creatives & artists to identify with highly sensitive traits, which can both fuel and impact creativity. Addressing overwhelm and self-doubt associated with being highly sensitive can help creative folks feel more engaged and energized in their art, as well as more confident in their careers. Likewise, our specialization in therapy for therapists and helpers has revealed that the gift of empathy that allows therapists to connect with their clients, also contributes to compassion fatigue, burnout, and the struggle to leave work at work. We love working with therapists to develop boundaries, process overwhelm, and reconnect with the joy in helping others. Therapy for empaths and highly sensitive folks will help move you out of feelings of shame and disconnect and into celebration of your sensitive, deeply caring nature.
reframing sensitivity as a strength
No two sensitive people are alike. At Kindman & Co., we work with you to master your unique nervous system and develop tools to manage overwhelm and stressors. Our therapists are experienced in working with highly sensitive people and empaths, and can support you in harnessing your unique strengths to feel more connected, self-assured, and content. We know that highly sensitive people make excellent listeners, friends, and partners. They make decisions thoughtfully and process deeply. Being sensitive and emotional is not a problem—in fact, some of our therapists are proud to identify as HSPs themselves! If you’re looking for validation, support, and understanding around your own big feelings, you’ve found the right place.
let's begin.
You are not in this alone. You were never meant to be. Each and every one of us innately possesses strengths to live more enriching, joyful lives; let us help you to (re) connect to your strengths to find well-being.