l.a. therapy for chronic illness & disability

happy, disabled woman in wheelchair in a forest living fulfilling life

counseling for the disabled, spoonies, & the chronically ill in highland Park & online

disability visibility helps all of us

More than half of adult Americans have at least one chronic illness diagnosis and over 25% have multiple chronic illnesses. Similarly, just under 15% of adult Americans identify as disabled.

And yet, we hear all of the time how so few people understand what it’s like to live with disability, chronic pain, and chronic illness. A common pain point for individuals managing ongoing physical pain and illness is feeling misunderstood, invalidated, or completely unseen for the discomfort and distress they manage on a daily basis. At Kindman & Co. we are dedicated to bringing more visibility to the disability community and offering competent care to individuals managing these conditions.

black woman smiling and living proud with chronic illness

finally feel seen & understood

A number of the therapists on our team identify as disabled and/or having chronic illness/pain, so we really get how challenging it can be to try to live a purposeful, fulfilling life while in pain or physical distress.

We know firsthand how often our community feels undersupported and how painful it can be to seek medical support to try to obtain diagnoses, to get effective treatment, and how exhausting it is to regularly have to advocate for yourself. We also really get how limiting and disruptive navigating physical ailments and disability can be. Our team is dedicated to helping you feel seen, heard, and understood—we want you to feel less alone navigating your disability journey.

Therapy for chronic illness, chronic pain, and/or disability can help if you are:

  • Grappling with a recent diagnosis, navigating new symptoms that you’re learning to live with, or managing long-term symptoms & just generally needing more support

  • Feeling grief and loss for the life you had before

  • Having difficulty accepting the limitations of your diagnosis or are overwhelmed by living with ongoing physical symptoms

  • Trying to cope with medical trauma or medical gaslighting that you’ve endured when seeking medical help

  • Experiencing anxiety or depression as a result of managing disability and ongoing illness

  • Having big feelings about living with a chronic condition, like anger, a sense of unfairness, disappointment, and denial

  • Lacking a sense of purpose & fulfillment from your life

  • Feeling alone, isolated, or invisible and not knowing where to find a community of support

  • Feeling limited by having less energy and frequently being mindful of not “overdoing it” (a.k.a counting your spoons)

  • Burnt out and exhausted from having to advocate for yourself & from the full-time job that is managing chronic illness

  • Struggling to have humor and joy & feel content in your life

woman in hospital bed with mask on representing person with chronic illness getting medical help

Our Team of chronic illness & disabled therapists will help you:

  • Feel More Connected, Supported, and Understood in Your Close Relationships

  • Cope with Grief/Loss & Start to Feel More Acceptance Around Your Physical Limitations

  • Build Tools to Advocate for Yourself & Feel Confident Managing Moments of Low Energy/Low Resourcing

  • (Re)connect with Purpose & Find Ways to Feel More Engaged and Fulfilled By Your Life, Despite the Limitations of Living With Chronic Conditions/Pain

  • Heal from Medical Trauma & Start to Feel More Alive Again

  • Manage Big Feelings & Moments of Overwhelm with Compassion for Yourself/Others

  • Learn to Advocate for Yourself with Your Doctors & Treatment Team to Start to Get the Care You’re Needing

  • Confidently Ask for Support from Your Loved Ones & Build Skills to Authentically Convey Your Experience

  • Build a Thriving Community Where You Feel Visible & Can Be Truly Yourself

If you’re ready to get started, you can book a complimentary information session to learn more and ensure we’re the right fit, by clicking the button below. Read on for more details about common challenges folks with chronic illness and chronic pain face and how Kindman & Co. can help.

Asian mother and father hugging young daughter and smiling, kindman & co. therapy 90042

caregivers need support too

We know that community is essential for healing and support, and this is just as true for caregivers and family of individuals managing chronic pain, illness, or disability.

You may be feeling grief around how much your life has changed, fear about what this means for your family and future, finding it difficult to recognize your own needs and prioritize caring for yourself, and/or feeling overwhelmed trying to adapt to this new normal. We recognize the need for caregivers and loved ones to have their own space to process the unique challenges associated with supporting your family member to manage their chronic condition and we want to provide this space for you.

Our team also regularly works with couples/relationships who are navigating the disability of one or more family members and understand the additional complexity and stress that this can create in your relationship. We’re here to help you understand each other better, to figure out how to care for yourselves together, and to feel less alone as you navigate this journey.