counseling for therapists & healing professionals
Therapy for therapists - online & in-person therapy in highland park
Therapists are people too. We grapple with anxiety and fear, we nurse broken hearts, we struggle in our relationships, and carry emotional wounding and trauma. And we do all of that while holding space for others! Plus, as much as we know it’s good for us, it can be really hard to not bring our work home. We know that loved ones don’t always validate and understand the complexity of these feelings—the isolation is real, but so too is the significant reward of being of service, supporting healing, and cultivating shared humanity. We’ve all experienced the joys and trials of working in this field. At Kindman & Co., we love working with our peers and welcome therapists and healing professionals to visit us for therapy in our Northeast Los Angeles office or telehealth for California residents.

why kindman & co. for support?
We all know the value of therapy and talk about it with new clients, friends, and loved ones regularly. It’s likely why you decided to become a therapist. We know you don’t need to be sold on that, but if you’re wondering what makes our practice a good fit:
We have a diverse team and our passion is people.
We are dedicated to fostering community and combating the isolation experienced by many of us in our field.
We lead with social justice values of inclusion, celebration of diversity, and de-pathologizing distress.
We offer a secure space for anyone to experience and explore their big thoughts and feelings.
We possess significant experience in both community mental health agency and private practice settings, so we really understand the diverse challenges of our work.
Our office is comfortable, bright, and filled with hopeful and inspired people.
We reserve 20% of our practice caseload for reduced fee clients, so you are also supporting making skilled service provision more accessible to folks in need.
We know firsthand how challenging finding a good therapist who specializes in therapy for therapists can be.
Plus, you can hang out with Weezie, our sweet dog, comforting presence, and giver of unconditional love!
compassion fatigue & the importance of self-care
Let’s state the obvious: being a therapist is not easy. In fact, there are days when it is one of the most difficult jobs imaginable. The odds are good that if you decided to become a therapist you consider yourself to be an empath. Empathy and compassion for others are essential in our field, but as empaths, we may find ourselves struggling to set boundaries in our professional and personal lives that don’t give us the space to care for our own needs. Compassion fatigue is a real problem for therapists and healing professionals and making time for self-care is important to avoid burnout. The Kindman & Co. team knows that as helpers, we often talk about the importance of self-care and self-advocacy, but we also struggle to practice what we preach. It’s not always easy to make time for our own needs, but it is important. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of others. Check out our blog about the importance of therapy for therapists!
helpers need support too
Whether you’ve been in the field for one year or thirty, there is always room to grow and learn. If you’re coming up against a brick wall with a client, working with someone who has a really different perspective, or simply holding space for a great deal of trauma, reaching for support is essential to your own wellbeing. As an empathetic person, you may also just feel the pain and injustice at play in the world around you more keenly than others, and this presents its own set of challenges. We know what it’s like. We’re here for you.
Recognizing the various forms of supports that are needed for therapists and healing professionals, we offer additional services, just for you. These services also give our team an opportunity to give back to fellow therapists and to continue to push our field forward. Part of being successful as a therapist or helper is by engaging in continuous learning and growing, both personally and professionally. For those interested in developing a relational, feminist, therapeutic orientation and skillset, we offer clinical supervision & consultation. We also know firsthand how challenging and daunting starting a therapy private practice can be! Our co-founders, Kaitlin & Paul, have learned a lot along the way and are passionate about using this knowledge to support colleagues to build and grow solo & group private practices. Check out our business consulting services to ensure that you get to enjoy the flexibility of being your own boss and feel secure & confident as a business owner.
stay healthy & hopeful
As therapists, being there to support people who are struggling with deep, intense, and often traumatic experiences weighs heavy on our shoulders. When this leads to vicarious trauma, you may struggle to offer your best self to those you work with. To keep providing effective therapy, you need an outlet to process your own big feelings, so you can continue to cultivate a helpful, healthy, and hopeful presence for your clients.
let's begin.
You are not in this alone. You were never meant to be. Each and every one of us innately possesses strengths to live more enriching, joyful lives; let us help you to (re)connect to your strengths to find well-being.