On COVID-19: A Letter to Our Community
Image by Kelly Sikkema
As you are well aware, COVID-19 is something we need to take seriously right now. After much thought and research, we have decided to help flatten the curve by offering sessions exclusively via video or phone through the end of March.
We have given this a great deal of thought and have been in dialogue with friends and colleagues all over the country. While there does not seem to be a consensus in our field as to what the right thing to do is, the science points toward doing everything we can to limit the spread of this virus. We are deeply conflicted because of our values around being in connection and combating social isolation – this is what our whole approach is about! This is particularly difficult given that we, as a practice community, are navigating the significant transition of moving to our new location very soon. However, this is an unprecedented situation; reducing harm and prioritizing the care of many, must be our primary focus.
We have heard many of you say “I prefer in-person therapy” and we certainly do too! Our hope is that we can all navigate this complexity together and recognize that this is not an ideal time, so we’re all having to be increasingly flexible. We hope that despite not being able to come together in person, we can continue to care for you via phone/video sessions. Stress is high and increased isolation exacerbates it - support and care are crucial now.
While not preferable for any of us, video sessions do offer us an exciting opportunity to get to know you in your element. One of the shortcomings of therapy in our office is that we don’t get to see you in other areas of your life, and there’s great therapeutic value to getting to know you in this way. We look forward to seeing you in your homes and meeting your plants and pets!
We hope you understand our decision and that it did not come lightly. We know that therapy is an integral part of your self-care routine, and given these particularly anxiety-provoking times, we are committed to continuing to provide care in increasingly creative ways while serving public health and wellbeing.
We will update you with any changes as soon as we have any new information to share. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns and we’ll be happy to address them.
Thank you for your understanding. Please stay healthy and prioritize taking care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Kaitlin & Paul Kindman
Founders, Kindman & Co.