thoughts on being human
As therapists we hold space, we listen, we resonate.
Read our blog posts to get to know us more in our own complexity;
our passions, our own big feelings, our values.
We’re excited to share our humanity with you!
If listening is more your thing, check out our podcast: Out of Session with Kindman & Co. and make sure to sign up for our newsletter to be informed about our most recent blog posts!
Check out our new series, Surviving 2025, for blog posts specifically selected to help you better cope with the challenging twists and turns that this year has in store.
On Coping with Life Transitions: How Therapy Can Support Change
Life changes can stir up emotions—some we expect, others may catch us off guard. A new job, a big move, or a relationship ending can make us feel like the ground beneath us is shifting. It’s natural to feel unsettled or even lost during these moments.
Talking with someone can make all the difference. Therapy offers a place to sort through the highs and lows, to make sense of the change, and to find a way forward.
On How Dogs Support Mental Health
Did you know that: Having frequent interactions with dogs (not even just our own, so don’t worry if you don’t have a dog) has, in a number of studies, been found to be significantly associated with positive psychological outcomes across the lifespan? Read on for more info about why dogs are great for promoting mental health!
On What I’ve Learned As a Business Owner With Chronic Illness
Our co-founder Kaitlin shares about her journey as a business owner with chronic illness. She opens up about how supportive being her own boss can be and also how f*#king hard it can be! Read more to learn the 5 best tips to thrive as fellow business owners with chronic illness.
On Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Your Relationship to be On the Brink to Go to Couples Therapy
If you’re curious about couple therapy and how it might help your relationship, don’t wait until your relationship is on the brink. Read on for more information about how couples therapy is helpful preventatively and that now is the time to try it out!
On COVID-19 & the Unknown
In general, people tend to struggle with uncertainty and the unknown. We avoid the unknown with schedules and routines, which can help create a feeling of emotional safety…When the routine falls away, and time is unscheduled and vast, it’s easy for the space of uncertainty to dredge up deep feelings—both old ones and new.
On COVID-19: A Letter to Our Community
COVID-19 is something we need to take seriously right now. After much thought and research, we have decided to help flatten the curve by offering sessions exclusively via video…We have heard many of you say “I prefer in-person therapy” and we certainly do too… Stress is high and increased isolation exacerbates it - support and care are crucial now.
On Showing Up…
SHOWINGUPNESS describes the degree to which reliability, empathy, care, intentionality, thoughtfulness, and embodiment of “just being there” is consistently demonstrated by someone.
On Baseball, Becoming A Fan, & Big Feelings
The whole stadium went immediately silent; My spine prickled. I looked at Paul and we both had tears in our eyes. Maybe a tiny bit because we sensed there might not be any coming back from this, but mostly because that silence was deafening and my heart ached…