thoughts on being human
As therapists we hold space, we listen, we resonate.
Read our blog posts to get to know us more in our own complexity;
our passions, our own big feelings, our values.
We’re excited to share our humanity with you!
If listening is more your thing, check out our podcast: Out of Session with Kindman & Co. and make sure to sign up for our newsletter to be informed about our most recent blog posts!
Check out our new series, Surviving 2025, for blog posts specifically selected to help you better cope with the challenging twists and turns that this year has in store.
On What to Expect When Starting Couple Therapy at Kindman & Co.
What I have noticed in my years of practice, is that far too many couples wait too long before sitting down with a professional to care for their relationship. Many of us assume that we should be able to figure it out on our own (this is, of course, part of our pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps culture). Yet the quality of our relationships is one of the most important predictors of a happy life. So the goal of this blog post is to dispel your fears about starting to prioritize your relationships by telling you exactly what you can expect when you sit down with one of the PACT therapists at Kindman & Co.
On Defining Toxic Masculinity & Building Modern Masculinity
I think that the pathway to creating loving men is through showing men the love, care, and open embrace of all parts of their humanity. It’s important to remember that nothing about masculinity is inherently toxic. Masculinity can be beautiful, generative, and nurturing when it isn’t strangled by sexist ideals.
On Rest: It's Many Facets & the Consequences Of Rest Neglect
Despite my frequent criticism of our capitalist society’s relentless pursuit of productivity and success I, too get caught up in the hustle. This has been a challenging year in our practice; one filled with growing pains and a great deal of transition. All of it has left me feeling exhausted and on the verge of burn-out (shout-out to my colleague Anna Kim who has coined the term “crispy” which we use to describe getting dangerously close to burning out)…In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of rest, how it connects to our mental health and well-being, and what we can do about it by drawing on the insights provided by Dr. Dalton-Smith.
On Active Reflection of Your Privilege
We’re inviting all those reading to join our quarterly check-in. Not only about how you’re doing and how you’re taking care of yourself, but also about how we’re connecting and taking care of each other. The question today is: What privileges do you have, and how could you use them to support others? To lead with vulnerability and showcase the reciprocity that can happen in therapy, click for a few of our therapists’ answers from the beginning of the year.
On Why Kindman & Co. Exists & How We Got Our Start
Kindman & Co. has now been up and running for 4 years! Amanda, our care coordinator, sat down with our co-founders, Kaitlin and Paul, to finally share the story of just how our practice got started and the importance of the social-justice, relational approach that we take. Click here to read more!
On Building a Thriving Partnership: Moving from Codependence towards Interdependence
Being in an intimate relationship is one of the most challenging and rewarding of all of the experiences of being a human. Love relationships are the subject of countless novels, songs and movies. Yet, we are all taught to be worried about being codependent or losing our independence within a partnership. Interdependence is essential for healthy, successful relationships, here's where to start!
On Why We Need Anger & What We Can Learn From Feeling Angry
When we begin to deconstruct our beliefs about anger and start to feel into what it is telling us, we find that it is actually an incredibly important and useful emotion. Anger tells us that something isn’t right—that something we value is at risk. Anger tells us when we need to take action or set a healthy boundary.