thoughts on being human
As therapists we hold space, we listen, we resonate.
Read our blog posts to get to know us more in our own complexity;
our passions, our own big feelings, our values.
We’re excited to share our humanity with you!
If listening is more your thing, check out our podcast: Out of Session with Kindman & Co. and make sure to sign up for our newsletter to be informed about our most recent blog posts!
Check out our new series, Surviving 2025, for blog posts specifically selected to help you better cope with the challenging twists and turns that this year has in store.
On What to Discuss When You’re New to Therapy
Many therapy clients come to us never having been in therapy before. These new clients are usually excited to begin but also feel intimidated, uncertain, and unknowing of what to expect. Understandably, starting therapy can bring up a complex mixture of emotions! One question we frequently get from clients new to therapy is “What should I talk about in therapy?”
On Music & Self Care
After a long day all I really want to do is listen to music. It is an unmatched, easily-accessible form of self care that helps me to both move towards and away from my feelings.
On Bad Feelings
Our therapist, Anna Kim, is hearing more and more these days about Bad Feelings. Maybe it’s the seasonal change, the darker evenings, or the anticipation of the upcoming holiday season. As we settle back down into routines and take stock of another summer, it’s normal to feel a pull toward reassessment, an acknowledgement of the time that has passed, toward loss. Whatever the cause, it’s coming up a lot and there’s a need to advocate for the feelings we like to push off and label negative. Read on why "good" or "bad" feelings don't exist.
All The Things I F$%*ing LOVED About Turning Red
If you haven’t watched Turning Red yet, it’s on Disney+ and is a great animated film with diverse Asian representation! Amanda Lam, our care coordinator, dives deeps into the themes of puberty, intergenerational trauma, and more in this blog. Click here to read more about how Turning Red depicts generational differences within Asian families.
On Books That Made Me Feel in 2021
Courtney invites you all into her past year of reading! Warning: Since the beginning of the pandemic, she’s found herself gravitating towards a genre that she has never explored before–romantic comedies (she have a feeling she's not the only one who needed a guaranteed happy ending these past few years). Here are some of her favorite books which made her feel feelings from 2021.
On the Importance of Reconnecting with Our Nervous System
Tracking our embodiment is important because it helps us integrate and make meaning of our emotional experience. Emotions live in our body—without paying attention to what sensations arise in our bodies we are mostly thoughts, content, and analysis with no grounding in our authentic feelings.
On Why Sensitivity is a Strength & How We Can All Benefit from Being More Sensitive
For highly sensitive people, pausing to consider what we do and how we engage in something is a cornerstone of our trait. Sensitivity is a strength that we can all use to cultivate more empathy and humanity in our leadership. Read on to learn about embracing sensitivity!
On COVID-19 & the Unknown
In general, people tend to struggle with uncertainty and the unknown. We avoid the unknown with schedules and routines, which can help create a feeling of emotional safety…When the routine falls away, and time is unscheduled and vast, it’s easy for the space of uncertainty to dredge up deep feelings—both old ones and new.