thoughts on being human
As therapists we hold space, we listen, we resonate.
Read our blog posts to get to know us more in our own complexity;
our passions, our own big feelings, our values.
We’re excited to share our humanity with you!
If listening is more your thing, check out our podcast: Out of Session with Kindman & Co. and make sure to sign up for our newsletter to be informed about our most recent blog posts!
Check out our new series, Surviving 2025, for blog posts specifically selected to help you better cope with the challenging twists and turns that this year has in store.
On What to Talk about in Therapy When You’re Doing Okay
When everything is a disaster, it’s easy to figure out what you should talk about in therapy. Conflict, sadness, anxiety, relationship problems, friendship problems, parent stuff, body image, identity, etc. etc. Pleeeenty of content for a 50 minute session. It's those moments when things are actually going well, when just before your session you think: “What am I going to talk about today?” Click here for 5 topics to explore when it feels like things are going well and you’ve got nothing to talk about.
On How to Tell If You’re Experiencing Grief Due to COVID-19
How are they even coping and managing to live their lives right now? These are heavy questions, but ones that so many of you are asking yourself during COVID-19. What an unprecedented sense of loss for you, and for everyone else. What you are feeling may be grief.
On Highly Sensitive People & Overcoming Feeling Misunderstood
Have you been told that you’re “too sensitive,” “too emotional,” or “too easily overwhelmed?” Do you regularly find yourself feeling misunderstood? I know I have! Many of us don’t understand that fifteen to twenty percent of humans actually have different neurobiology and sensory processing capabilities that make us feel more.
On Self-Compassion & Why It's So Hard To Do
Mindfulness helps you create an observer version of yourself that allows you to create space to recognize you are not your thoughts and feelings. Instead, your thoughts and emotions are a result of past experiences that can be felt, accepted, and let go, without judgment.