thoughts on being human
As therapists we hold space, we listen, we resonate.
Read our blog posts to get to know us more in our own complexity;
our passions, our own big feelings, our values.
We’re excited to share our humanity with you!
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Check out our new series, Surviving 2025, for blog posts specifically selected to help you better cope with the challenging twists and turns that this year has in store.
On What to Expect When Starting Couple Therapy at Kindman & Co.
What I have noticed in my years of practice, is that far too many couples wait too long before sitting down with a professional to care for their relationship. Many of us assume that we should be able to figure it out on our own (this is, of course, part of our pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps culture). Yet the quality of our relationships is one of the most important predictors of a happy life. So the goal of this blog post is to dispel your fears about starting to prioritize your relationships by telling you exactly what you can expect when you sit down with one of the PACT therapists at Kindman & Co.
On Using Co-Regulation to Have Hard Conversations
You can have hard conversations whenever you want because you can create the conditions for it to go well...In this blog, we aim to provide some insights around co-regulation and how to use different tools of awareness and embodiment cues to help you have a more effective conversation...in understanding attachment more, we can identify how we are in a relationship and how our partners are in a relationship. What we and they tend to do to cope is helpful when getting into activating conversations.
On What to Discuss When You’re New to Therapy
Many therapy clients come to us never having been in therapy before. These new clients are usually excited to begin but also feel intimidated, uncertain, and unknowing of what to expect. Understandably, starting therapy can bring up a complex mixture of emotions! One question we frequently get from clients new to therapy is “What should I talk about in therapy?”
On Essential Skills to Improve the Quality of Your Relationships
The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. In fact, humans need quality, connected relationships to be healthy and have prolonged lives…Communication is only one of many important relationship skills, not THE most important relationship skill. I want to outline a number of other vital, relationship skills that often get overlooked when we’re primarily thinking that the key to successful relationships is communication. Read on for seven additional relationship skills to help you improve the quality of your relationships.
On Secure Attachment: A Way to Increase Trust & Security in Your Relationships
Research shows that individuals with a secure attachment style tend to have greater emotional well-being and more intimacy and trust in their relationships. But what about those who have struggled with attachment trauma and insecure attachment in their past? This is where earned secure attachment comes into play. By understanding the context that has shaped your attachment style, you can work towards developing a secure foundation for your relationships moving forward.
On It's Not Always Merry: Questions to Ask Your Partner When Visiting Family & Friends for the Holidays
In relationships, misalignment of communication styles, boundaries, and values leads to more disagreements, isolation, an uneven sharing of workload, feeling dismissed, and an overall lack of attunement to your partner(s.) Read on for essential questions from a Couple Therapist to ask your partner to help you navigate holiday celebrations and family visits while staying emotionally connected.
On Couple Therapy--Myths & Misconceptions
Relationship issues can be so triggering — it’s biology, we are wired for connection so the possibility of coming apart makes things feel real scary — and that makes it rife for analysis paralysis. Let’s take a minute to look at some myths and misconceptions I’ve heard as a therapist, and hopefully make the specter of relationship therapy a little less scary.
On Navigating Difference in Intercultural & Interracial Partnerships (Part Two)
This post explores how a variety of cultural differences and power imbalances show up in interracial relationships and how couples can increase their awareness of these challenges and address them together to create more empathetic, authentic connection.
On Navigating Difference in Intercultural & Interracial Partnerships (Part One)
This post explores how a variety of cultural differences and power imbalances show up in interracial relationships and how couples can increase their awareness of these challenges and address them together to create more empathetic, authentic connection.