thoughts on being human
As therapists we hold space, we listen, we resonate.
Read our blog posts to get to know us more in our own complexity;
our passions, our own big feelings, our values.
We’re excited to share our humanity with you!
If listening is more your thing, check out our podcast: Out of Session with Kindman & Co. and make sure to sign up for our newsletter to be informed about our most recent blog posts!
Check out our new series, Surviving 2025, for blog posts specifically selected to help you better cope with the challenging twists and turns that this year has in store.
On What to Discuss When You’re New to Therapy
Many therapy clients come to us never having been in therapy before. These new clients are usually excited to begin but also feel intimidated, uncertain, and unknowing of what to expect. Understandably, starting therapy can bring up a complex mixture of emotions! One question we frequently get from clients new to therapy is “What should I talk about in therapy?”
On Reframing Easter
Easter can mean whatever you want it to mean. It can represent rebirth of yourself– who are you this year, in this season? Who do you want to be known as in the community that you are currently working on building? It can also represent stillness and an invitation to be outside, to be with others who feel and think like you.
On Breakthroughs & Reflections in Therapy
Surprise! Therapists are humans and also go to therapy! Gaby Teresa shares her recent breakthroughs in her own therapy experiences as a queer, Latina woman and therapist. Click here to learn more about how women are forced to stay silent and how to move forward in your own healing journey. Because mira, we’ve got to stop silencing women. Especially BIPOC women.
Dream Interpretation Primer
Why do we have dreams, and what do they mean? How we interpret our dreams means as much as the interpretation itself, and Anna loves exploring this creative process with clients. To her it’s like tarot, astrology, enneagram, whatever—a new venue for understanding something about yourself. Who cares if it’s capital-T True! Read more for 5 ways on how to interpret and find meaning in your dreams!
On Defining Religious Trauma & How to Start to Heal
As with many institutions and human-created spaces, religion has been tarnished and fostered power dynamics where folx have been oppressed, judged, and mistreated under the guise of religious authority. This blog will explore religious trauma and what it looks like when experienced, in an effort to verbalize something that you or someone you love, may be processing.